Pre-sales And After-sales Support from GREENMAX
GREENMAX provides customers with the most professional services and a variety of options for waste foam recycling such as EPS, EPE, EPP.
Pre-sales Support
Before you have chosen a GREENMAX recycling machine, all of the below support from the GREENMAX team will be provided free of charge.
1. Free Consultationn on EPS/EPE/EPP Recycling
2. Customized Recycling Solution
3. Flexible financial options
4. Purchasing Waste EPS
After-sales Support
After you place an order for one GREENMAX recycling machine, additional support from the GREENMAX team will be offered all the time.
1. Machine Installation And Commissioning
2. Fast and Lifelong Maintenance Service
3. A full Set of Logistics Services
4. Market Information Sharing
5. National Support Centers in Australia and New Zealand