Polyethylene Foam Recycling Australia

For more than 10 years, GREENMAX has actually provided many foam manufacturing and also industrial operations with sustainable recycling solutions. In that time, GREENMAX has actually recycled various sorts of foam materials, including polyethylene foam.

Polyethylene foam is a kind of closed-cell foam. This type of foam is used for its flexibility and also shock-absorption properties. Due to the fact that polyethylene foam is not biodegradable, it is necessary to guarantee it is correctly recycled.

In general, polyethylene foam recycling aids your business in attaining sustainability goals and in decreasing waste management prices. By recycling your polyethylene materials with GREENMAX recycling machine, you can decrease transportation and landfill costs, and get some revenue from your scrap polyethylene foam.

Polyethylene Foam waste

Keep reading to find out about types of polyethylene foam, polyethylene foam recycling, and exactly how GREENMAX can help.

What is Polyethylene Foam?

Polyethylene is a kind of plastic product that can be utilized in numerous ways. Polyethylene can be found in a range of production and also industrial recycling products, such as plastic film. For example, mattress plants use low-density polyethylene cushion film to protect their products.

Polyethylene foam can be found in a variety of items and materials, such as:

  1. Packaging.
  2. Protective Padding.
  3. Impact as well as shock absorbing materials.
A common type of polyethylene foam making product that GREENMAX has actually recycling is Expanded Polyethylene Foam or EPE foam. The reason that EPE foam is extensively utilized results from its flexibility and also shock-absorbing properties. Because of this, EPE foam is used in protective packaging products, particularly in the automotive market.

How Polyethylene Foam Recycling Procedure

There are two major steps to the polyethylene foam recycling procedure. Let's take a look at exactly how to securely recycle your materials.

Sorting Your Foam Materials

The first step of any recycling procedure is to sort your recyclable materials. It is essential to sort your materials to ensure that you can isolate your recyclable material grades. As an example, a foam factory that generates polystyrene and polyethylene foam should separate these 2 grades before recycling them.

Sorting your recyclable materials likewise helps you determine the types of recyclables you generate. By identifying the sorts of polyethylene foam materials, you wish to recycle, you can establish the most effective recycling solution.


Preparing Your Materials for Recycling

After your polyethylene foam products are sorted, they need to be prepared for recycling. Preparing your materials for recycling is important because it ensures they are properly recycled.

Similar to other sorts of foam materials, polyethylene foam have to be compressed before it is shipped for recycling. Compressing foam before shipping them for recycling is needed to decrease shipping costs. Shipping foam without compressing it increases the price of shipping significantly.

PE Foam Melting

How a foam product is condensed relies on the sort of product. For polyethylene foam, the material has to be densified. Then, polyethylene foam is shipped in cold-pressed blocks or hot-melt ingots. GREENMAX provides recycling machine such as densifiers and balers to assist you prepare your foam materials for recycling.

Once you've finished the sorting process, the polyethylene materials will certainly need to be compressed for easier and also more cost effective transport. Choosing to leave your materials as is as opposed to compressing them will substantially raise your transport prices. GREENMAX will offer you with the necessary equipment, such as a cold press or hold melt densifier, to compress your materials and also prepare them for collection.

Efficiently Recycle Your Foam With Generated Materials Recovery

GREENMAX utilizes a unique client-centric strategy to polyethylene foam recycling. At GREENMAX, we understand that recycling isn't the core of your business. That's why our team takes the necessary time to get a thorough understanding of your business. By incorporating over ten years of recycling industry experience with the knowledge we have gotten about your business, GREENMAX produces a customized polyethylene recycling service.

PE Foam Recycling Process

Furthermore, GREENMAX is devoted to transparent pricing model when recycling polyethylene foam materials. As market prices for recyclables differ each month, so do the prices paid by GREENMAX. This ensures that each client obtains the current market price for their recyclables.

GREENMAX is passionate about providing every customer with an efficient recycling solution that doesn't interfere their business operations.

Want to discover how GREENMAX can help you recycle your polyethylene foam materials? Contact GREENMAX sales@greenmaxmachine.com.au to schedule a consultation today.